Building a world where technology is more inclusive, responsible and ethical, and is always being developed for the good of all.
Things I’m thinking about right now.
Juhi’s Reading Corner
Since 2019 I’ve been cataloguing the books I consume all year. Consuming books is my comfort, my solace and my “me time”. While I’m always happy to share recommendations or discuss the impact a book has had on me with other people, more often than not, I simply internalise the books I consume.
However, this year, a big intention I want to set is to produce and create more than I consume.
This intention stems from a deep desire to contribute to conversations and not simply absorb them; it also stems from the hope that I can introduce novel, compelling ideas and characters to people who may not have encountered them yet. So click the image above if you’d like to see what I read in 2024.

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